Georg Forster-Building
Jakob-Welder-Weg 12
55128 Mainz
Room: 04-317
Phone: 06131-39-29298
Office hours: Tuesday 10-11h (on prior appointment); 6. August-3.September (during semester holidays, on prior appointment only)
Current term
Basissem Internationale Beziehungen
Instructor: Uwe Franke; Dr. Johannes Muntschick; Dr. Friedrich Plank; Dr. Doris Unger -
Sem (BA/MEd) Multilateralismus, internationale Institutionen und die Krise der Westlichen Weltordnung: Droht ein neuer Kalter Krieg?
Instructor: Dr. Johannes Muntschick
WiSe 2024/25
At the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz:
- Current courses can be found in JOGU-StINe.
- Past courses outline
At the Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg:
Research Interests
• Regional Integration in Europe and beyond
• Theories of international relations
• International institutions and organisations; Governance
• Regionalism and external actors
• Nexus Security & Development
• transnational conflicts and war economies
• Sub-Saharan Africa
• Foreign Policy and Security
Current Research
• Research in the field "Political-economy analysis" on "External governance of sector coupling" in the cluster project Clean Circles - Iron as energy carrier in a carbon neutral circular energy economy
• Theory-building and empirical research in the field of 'International Institutions', in particular on regionalism in the Global South (comparative), regionalism and external actors, emergence, design and success of inter/regional institutions and EU-Africa relations
• Research related to various policy fields, especially concerning the nexus of security & development
Research Project (Completed)
Dissertation thesis – Title: „Regionalism and External Influence: The Southern African Development Community (SADC) and the ambivalent Impact of the EU on Regional Integration“
Supervisor: Prof. T. Gehring, Prof. R. Zohlnhöfer and Prof. R. Münch
Curriculum Vitae
• 04/2011 – today: Lecturer and research fellow at the Department of Political Science (International Politics) at the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz; Coordinator of the Trinational MA "European Studies" (Europa Master) from 04/2011 – 04/2015; since 12/2023.
• 08/2021 – today: Member of the interdisciplinary research cluster project "Clean Circles - Iron as energy carrier in a carbon neutral circular energy economy"
• 2015 – 2018: Research Fellow in the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence „EU in Global Dialogue“ (CEDI) of the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz and TU Darmstadt
• 10/2017-03/2018: Contract lecturer at the Professorship of Comparative Public Policy (Prof. Thomas Rixen) at the Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg
• 09/2017: Guest Researcher at the 'School of Global Studies' at the University Gothenburg, Sweden
• 04/2017 – 09/2017: Deputy professorship of the Juniorprofesur for International and European Politics at the Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg
• 11/2015: Doctorate in Political Science (International Relations)
• 10/2007 – 04/2011: Contract lecturer at the Chair of International Relations at the Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg
• Field research in South Africa, Botswana and Namibia (in 2007, 2008, 2010)
• 06/2007 – 12/2012: Member of the DFG Graduate College “Markets and Social Systems in Europe“ at the Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg
• Degrees in Political Science (Diplom) and teaching profession (1. Staatsexamen) for Gymnasium (German/History/Social Science) at the Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg
• Military service
Awards and scholarships
• various scholarships of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), inter alia for study and research in Namibia
• 06/2007 – 06/2010: Doctoral Scholarship of the German Research Foundation (DFG) as member of the DFG-Graduate College “Markets and Social Systems in Europe” at the Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg
Memberships / Activities
• German Political Science Association (DVPW), Section “International Relations“
• University Association for Contemporary European Studies (UACES)
• European Studies Association of Sub-Saharan Africa (ESA-SSA)
• German-Namibian Society e.V.
• Alumni Netzwerk Subsahara Afrika (ANSA) e.V.
• Contact member of the DAAD-Freundeskreis e.V. in Bamberg
• Bamberger Absolventen des Diplomstudiengangs Politikwissenschaft BAD e.V.
Monographs & Editions
Muntschick, J. & Plank, F. (Eds.) (2024): "The Performance of Regionalism in the Global South. A Multi-level Analysis". Abingdon: Routledge.
Muntschick, J. (Ed.) (2023): "Regionalismus in Afrika und externe Partner. Ungleiche Beziehungen und (un)beabsichtigte Effekte". Berlin: Springer.
Muntschick, J. (2023): "Die Entwicklungsgemeinschaft des Südlichen Afrika (SADC) und die Europäische Union (EU) Regionalismus und externer Einfluss". Berlin: Springer.
Muntschick, J. (Ed.) (2022): "Regionalism in Africa and External Partners. Uneven Relationships and (Un)Intended Effects". Cham: Palgrave.
Muntschick, J. (2018): "The Southern African Development Community (SADC) and the European Union (EU). Regionalism and External Influence." Cham: Palgrave.
Journals and Book Chapters (peer reviewed)
Plank, F., Daum, B., Muntschick, J., Knodt, M., Hasse, C., Ott, I. & Niemann, A. (2023): "Hydrogen: Fueling EU-Morocco Energy Cooperation?", In: Middle East Policy. 30:3. 37-52.
Muntschick, J. (2023). "Diplomacy on Regional and Inter-Regional Levels: What Works, Why and for Whom?". In: Vasiliev, A.M., Degterev, D.A., Shaw, T.M. (Eds.): Africa and the Formation of the New System of International Relations—Vol. II. Advances in African Economic, Social and Political Development. Springer, Cham. 131–152.
Plank, F., Muntschick, J., Niemann, A. & Knodt, M. (2023): "External Hydrogen Relations of the European Union: Framing Processes in the Public Discourse Towards and within Partner Countries". In: Sustainability, 15:20. 14757.
Muntschick, J. (2020): "Regional Economic Integration in the Southern African Development Community (SADC): Analysing the Dynamics and Performance", In: Vestnik RUDN. International Relations, 20:2, 333-346.
Muntschick, J. (2017): „The Impact of Regionalism on Democracy Building: An examination of the Southern African Development Community (SADC)”. In: Ngwainmbi, E. K. (Ed.): Citizenship, Democracies, and Media Engagement among Emerging Economies and Marginalized Communities. Cham: Palgrave. 55-80.
Muntschick. J. (2016): "SADC – Extra-Regional Trade Relations Constrain Deeper Market Integration", In: Krapohl, S. (Ed.): Regional Integration in the Global South: External Influence on Economic Cooperation in ASEAN, MERCOSUR and SADC. Cham: Palgrave. 179-207.
Muntschick, J. with Krapohl, S. and Meissner, K. (2014): “Regional Powers as Leaders or Rambos? The Ambivalent Behaviour of Brazil and South Africa in Regional Economic Integration”, In: Journal of Common Market Studies, 52:4, 879-895.
Muntschick, J. (2013): “Regionalismus und Externer Einfluss: Stört die Europäische Union die Regionale Marktintegration im Südlichen Afrika?”, In: Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 54:4, 686-713.
Muntschick, J. (2013): “Regional Energy Cooperation in SADC: Is the Southern African Power Pool currently powered by External Funding?”, In: du Pisani, A., Erasmus, G. und Hartzenberg, T. (Eds.): Monitoring Regional Integration in Southern Africa. Yearbook 2012. Stellenbosch: Trade Law Centre (tralac). 113-137.
Muntschick, J. (2013): “Explaining the influence of extra-regional actors on regional economic integration in Southern Africa: the EU’s interfering impact on SADC and SACU”, In: Lorenz-Carl, U. and Rempe, M. (Eds.): Mapping Agency. Comparing Regionalisms in Africa. Farnham: Ashgate. 77-95.
Muntschick, J. (2010): “Offene Kriegsökonomien als Triebfedern für langanhaltende Bürgerkriege in Entwicklungsländern: Von Coltan und Blutdiamanten in der Demokratischen Republik Kongo und in Liberia“, In: Friedenswarte, 85, 1-2, 73-89.
Muntschick, J. (2008): “The ‘Great War’ in Liberia as a Classic Example for Persistent Armed Conflict and War Economies in Africa”, In: Colombia Internacional, No. 67, 38-59.
Other Publications in Journals and Edited volumes
Muntschick, J. & Plank, F. (2024): "Explaining the Performance of Regionalism in the Global South and Its Conditions" In: Muntschick, J. & Plank, F. (Eds.): The Performance of Regionalism in the Global South. A Multi-level Analysis. Abingdon: Routledge. 213-228.
Plank, F. & Muntschick, J. (2024): "Conceptualizing the Performance of Regionalism beyond Europe: Addressing Challenges and Assessing Empirical Evidence in a Complex Setting" In: Muntschick, J. & Plank, F. (Eds.): The Performance of Regionalism in the Global South. A Multi-level Analysis. Abingdon: Routledge. 3-26.
Book Review "Governance Transfer by Regional Organizations. Patching Together a Global Script", edited by Tanja A. Börzel and Vera van Hüllen (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015). In: Journal of Common Market Studies (2016). Volume 54, Number 5. 1253.
Book Review “Rescaling the European State – The Making of Territory and the Rise of the Meso” by M. Keating (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013). In: Journal of Common Market Studies (2015). Volume 53, Number 3. 697-698.
Muntschick, J. (2012): “Theorising Regionalism and External Influence: A Situation-structural Approach“. Mainz Papers on International and European Politics, 2012/02. Mainz:
Chair of International Relations, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität.
Book Review "The European Union and Interregionalism: Patterns of Engagement" by M. Doidge (Farnham: Ashgate, 2011). In: Journal of Common Market Studies (2012). Volume 50, Number 5. 856.
Muntschick, J. mit Krapohl, S. (2009): "Two Logics of Regionalism: The Importance of Interdependence and External Support for Regional Integration in Southern Africa". In: Kaunda, J. M. & Zizhou, F. (Eds.): Furthering Southern African Integration. Proceedings of the 2008 FOPRISA Annual Conference. Botswana Institute for Development Policy Analysis. Gaborone, 2009. 3-17.
Muntschick, J. (2005): “Internationale Kooperation bei der Terrorbekämpfung”, In: Derlien, H.-U., Frank, S., Lang, F. (Eds.): Terrorismus und Terrorismusbekämpfung. OPUS Bamberg. 203-224. (urn:nbn:de:bvb:473-opus-734).
Selected Conference- and Working Papers
Plank, F. & Muntschick, J. (2022): "The discursive practices on hydrogen in the European Union (EU)". Paper for the ECPR Conference, Section of the Standing Group on Energy Politics, Policy, and Governance, in Innsbruck.
Plank, F., Muntschick, J. & Knodt, M. (2022): "The discourse on hydrogen in the European Union (EU)". Paper for the UACES Annual Conference 2022 in Lille.
Plank, F. & Muntschick, J. (2022): "The Performance of Regionalism in the Global South: Conceptual Challenges and Empirical Evidence". Paper for the annual congress of the DVPW-sub-section 'Europa- und Regionalismusforschung' (AKER) in Berlin.
Muntschick, J. (2021): "Cooperation and Conflict: Predicting Conflict Escalation
in ‘Rambo’-Situations in International Relations". Paper for the Workshop 'Predicting Conflict' of the Kompetenzzentrum Krisenfrüherkennung (KompZ KFE) of the University of the Bundeswehr
Muntschick, J. (2021): "Summit Diplomacy in Regional Integration Organizations in Africa:
Setting the Stage for Authoritarian States?". Paper for the DVPW-Conference (Panel on 'Regionalorganisationen und Autokratisches Regieren').
Muntschick, J. (2019): "Fragile Regionalisms and the Ambivalent Impact of External Donors on Sovereignty: A View on the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)”. Paper for the 5th Joint Nordic Conferences on Development Research (NorDev) in Copenhagen.
Gues lecture on “Deutschland, Europa und die Welt - Auswirkungen der internationalen Veränderungen auf die deutsche Politik” at the K.St.V. von Ketteler, Mainz (June 2019).
Muntschick, J. (2019): “The ambivalent Impact of external Actors on the Legitimacy and Effectiveness of Regionalism in sub-Saharan Africa: A view on the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)”. Paper for the annual workshop of the Arbeitskreis ‘Europa und Regionalismus-Forschung’ (AKER) of the DVPW in Magdeburg.
Guest lecture on "Globalisation, Regionalism and Brexit: What Impact on Africa and SADC?” at the University of Botswana in Gaborone (April 2019).
Guest lecture on “Regionalism in sub-Saharan Africa” an der United Nations University – Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology (UNU-MERIT) in Maastricht (February 2019).
Muntschick, J., Scharfbillig, M. & Zaun, N. (2018): “Responsibility-sharing in the Area of Refugee Protection: A Mission Impossible?”. Paper for the DVPW Jahreskongress in Frankfurt.
Muntschick, J. (2018): “The Benefit of Regionalism for Fragile Member States: Do external Actors matter?”. Konferenzpapier für die Development Research Conference (DEVRES) in Göteborg.
Gues lecture on “Regionalism in Southern Africa and the ambivalent Role of Regional Hegemons and External Actors” at the Hochschule Rhein-Waal in Kleve (June 2018).
Muntschick, J., Stapel, S. & Söderbaum, F. (2018): "External Support to Regional Integration Organisations in Africa - What Works, Why and For Whom?”. Paper for the conference "The European Union in International Affairs" (EUIA) in Brüssel.
Muntschick, J. (2018): "External Support to Regional Integration Organisations and its Effect on Governance Performance in weak and fragile Member States”. Conference paper for rhe ISA Annual Convention in San Francisco.
TV-Interview with Südwestrundfunk (SWR) on „Nukleare Gefahr" (January 2018).