Studying EU Peace Mediation:
Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives
With the »Concept on Strengthening EU Mediation and Dialogue Capacities« adopted in 2009, the EU aims to further develop its capabilities in the field of peace mediation, building also on various mediation experiences made by EU institutions and actors in different conflict regions. Yet, the academic literature has not paid much attention to the EU’s involvement in mediation or mediation support activities. To develop a better theoretical and empirical understanding of EU peace mediation, the Unit of International Politics of the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz organized a workshop on »The EU as Actor in International Mediation - Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives« which took place in November 2015 in Mainz. The working paper discusses this project in the light of the current research literature and reflects on the results of the presentations and discussions of the workshop.
©Julian Bergmann, Friedrich Plank, Arne Niemann
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