Dr. Doris Unger

Georg Forster-Building
Jakob-Welder-Weg 12
55128 Mainz
Room: 04-415
Phone: 06131-39-21052
Email: unger@politik.uni-mainz.de


Office hour outside of lecture period:
On 6 February (2 pm), 11 February (10:30 am), 12 February (2 pm), 18 February (2 pm), 19 February (2 pm), 13 March (2 pm), 8 April (2 pm); please register here via DFN; the consultation takes place digitally via BBB.

If you are interested in the trinational Europamaster (MA ‘European Studies’) you are welcome to meet with me during my (digital) office hour. You can also call me on the phone during my office hours. In both cases, please make an appointment for the consultation (see for the link above).


Research Interests

  • Cultural pluralism in liberal democracies, Multiculturalism and Minority Rights
  • International Relations Theory and Theories of International Relations
  • Liberalism and Neorepublicanism
  • Non-Discrimination and Hate Speech

Current Research

  • Alan Patten's "Equal Recognition" and Cultural Accommodation in Liberal Democracies
  • with Jürgen Sirsch: Neorepublicanism and Egalitarian-Liberalism as "Public Philosophies" / "Normative Research Programs"




Unger, Doris (2018): Gleichheit, Freiheit und kultureller Pluralismus: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Begründung staatlicher Kulturakkommodierung aus egalitär-liberaler Perspektive. Mainz: Johannes Gutenberg-Universität.

Articles (peer-reviewed):

Unger, Doris / Sirsch, Jürgen / Stockemer, Daniel / Niemann, Arne (2023): What guides citizen support for redistributive EU measures as a response to COVID-19: Justice attitudes, self-interest or support for European integration? In: European Union Politics, 0(0). Link

Stockemer, Daniel / Niemann, Arne / Unger, Doris / Plank, Friedrich (2021): Equally at risk? Perceived financial differences, risk assessment and containment measures in the COVID-19 pandemic. In: Contemporary Politics. Online first. Link

Sirsch, Jürgen / Unger, Doris (2021): The Neorepublican Challenge to Egalitarian-Liberalism: Evaluating Justifications of Redistributive Institutions. In: Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy. 24: 7, 1000-1023 (Online first July 2019): doi.org/10.1080/13698230.2019.1644580. Link

Stockemer, Daniel / Niemann, Arne / Unger, Doris / Speyer, Johanna (2020): The “Refugee Crisis,” Immigration Attitudes, and Euroscepticism. In: International Migration Review. 54: 3, 883–912. (online first:  Sept. 2019) doi.org/10.1177/0197918319879926. Link 

Stockemer, Daniel / Niemann, Arne / Rabenschlag, Johannes / Speyer, Johanna / Unger, Doris (2018): Immigration, Anti-Immigration Attitudes and Euroscepticism: A Meta-Analysis. In: French Politics, 16: 3, 328-340. Link

Book chapters:

Unger, Doris / Jürgen Unger-Sirsch (2023): „Ihr gehört nicht dazu!“ Soziale Ausgrenzung durch Hate Speech als Problem für liberale Demokratien. In: Jaki, Sylvia / Steiger, Stefan (Hg.): Digitale Hate Speech: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf Erkennung, Beschreibung und Regulation. J. B. Metzler, 173-195. Link

Sirsch, Jürgen / Unger, Doris (2019): Does Non-Domination Imply Freedom? A Discussion of the Neorepublican Conception of Freedom. In: Marker, Karl / Schmitt, Annette / Sirsch, Jürgen (Hg.): Demokratie und Entscheidung: Beiträge zur Analytischen Politischen Theorie. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 65-80. Link

Unger, Doris (2013): Das Recht auf Gleichbehandlung und die (Ir)Relevanz von gruppenspezifischen Merkmalen am Beispiel des Antidiskriminierungsrechts. In: Bonn, Eva / Knöppler, Christian / Souza, Miguel (Hg.): Was machen Marker? Logik, Materialität und Politik von Differenzierungsprozessen. Bielefeld: Transcript, 2013, 317-342. Link

Unger, Doris (2013): Kriterien zur Einschränkung von hate speech: Inhalt, Kosten oder Wertigkeit von Äußerungen? In: Meibauer, Jörg (Hg.): Hassrede/Hate Speech. Interdisziplinäre Beiträge zu einer aktuellen Diskussion. Gießen: Gießener Elektronische Bibliothek, 2013, 257-285. Link

Reviews and Articles in Encyclopedia:

Unger, Doris (2013): Rezension von „Van Parijs, Philippe, Linguistic Justice for Europe and for the World”. In: Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 54: 1, 220-222. Link

Unger, Doris (2011): Art. Christine Chwaszcza. In: Chatterjee, Deen K. (Hg.): Encyclopedia of Global Justice. Dordrecht u. a.: Springer Verlag, 128-129. Link

Newspaper article:

Unger, Doris / Sirsch, Jürgen (2015): Gegen den Hass muss argumentiert werden. In: Causa, Tagesspiegel.de vom 27. November 2015: https://causa.tagesspiegel.de/gesellschaft/hass-im-netz/gegen-den-hass-muss-argumentiert-werden.html. Link


Current Teaching

Winter Term 2024-25:

Seminar (BA/BEd/MEd): The "Responsibility to Protect" and Military Interventions (in German)

Seminar (MA): The International Climate Change Regime (in German)


Curriculum Vitae

  • Dec. 2023-Sept. 2024: Maternity/Parental Leave
  • Since 2018: Coordinator of the trinational MA “European Studies” (Cooperation between Dijon (France), Mainz (Germany) and Opole (Poland))
  • 02/2017: PhD in Political Science (Political Theory); Thesis on Cultural Accommodation in Liberal Democracies
  • Since 2016: Researcher and Lecturer, Department of Political Science, International Relations, Mainz University
  • Since 2013: Researcher and Lecturer, Department of Political Science, Political Theory, Mainz University
  • 2009 - 2013: PhD-Student at the Interdisciplinary Research Center “Social and Cultural Studies Mainz” (SoCuM); Working Group 2: “The Public Constitution of Minorities”
  • 2008 - 2009: PhD-Student and Lecturer, Political Science, TU Kaiserslautern
  • 2007: MSc in Political Theory (Dissertation on Walzer's Conception of State Sovereignty), Cardiff University
  • 2005 - 2006: Master of Economic and Social Studies in Political Theory, Cardiff University
  • 2001 - 2008: Undergraduate and Postgraduate studies in Philosophy and Political Science, Mainz University