information on the electronic exam

Dear students, the electronic exam ("E-Klausur") will be written on August 4, 2016 (Thursday) in the following room:

-1 131, Mikroskopiersaal, Anthropologie (Institute of Anthropology), 10-12 am.

There are two variants concerning the specialised lecture (Vertiefungsvorlesung):

(1) Politics of European Integration (WiSe 15/16)

(2) Policy-Making in the EU (WiSe 14/15)

And of course the introductory lecture ( Einführungsvorlesung) SuSe 2016.

Please arrive a few minutes earlier and wait outside Mikroskopiersaal.


The time available for writing the exam will be 90 minutes (45 minutes for MIEPP).

Please remember to bring the following documents to the exam:

  • "Studentenausweis",
  • identity card.

Best wishes,

Arne Niemann


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